The Alonso Foundation works year round to aid those in need, providing funding and support to many organizations. These reports are our opportunity to look back to better understand what that support translated to in actual impact for the beneficiaries and document our legacy.

2024 has been the most impactful year of The Alonso Foundation to date. We want to thank our amazing donors and volunteers for helping us make this happen. Giving back to animal rescues, supporting veterans and encouraging youth sports has been the themes of this year. Being able to make meaningful impacts in those areas that are close to our heart has been incredibly inspiring. We are looking forward to what we can accomplish as a community through 2025 and beyond!”
Founded by Haley and Pete Alonso, our mission is to advocate for and support those who are unable to speak up for themselves. Our vision is to create a better world for those who need it most with a special eye on youth, animals and veterans.
2024 began with a pledge to support animal shelters - $1,000 per home run - but we did so much more. We supported shelters, we gave to mental health services for veterans, donated school supplies to youth who needed it and supported organizations on the front lines of disaster relief.
We want to thank our partners and donors for their incredible support. Thanks to you we were able to reach and do more than ever before.
The pages that follow share some of the impact that the Alonso Foundation had this year.
This year we pledged $1000 to an animal shelter per home run. We were grateful to partnerwith Brady Hunter Foundation and Amazin’ Mets Foundation on this initiative giving more than$85,000 in grants to 21 animal shelters ranging from small shelters with an annual budgetof $15,000 to much larger shelters. Additionally, we partnered with Brutus Broth so everyshelter received nutritional biscuits and broth for their animals.
Our grantees included:
Almost Home Animal Rescue
Bark About It Rescue
Dizzy Dog Animal Rescue
Destination Rescue
Foster Doc Houston
Go Beyond Rescue
Homerun Hounds
Mike’s Chance Rescue
Muddy Paws Rescue
NYC Second Chance
Rescued Pets Movement
Rescue Paw Foundation
Sandy Paws Rescue
SoCo Rescue
Strong Paws Rescue
Wayward Ranch
The shelters who received grants were overwhelmed, often saying the donation helped them keep their doors open.
“Thank YOU so much for your continued support of our mission at Rescued Pets Movement! The Alonso Foundation’s generous donation after the derecho windstorm in May was a lifeline for our organization.It allowed us to make immediate preventative repairs ensuring that our facility remained safe and operational. Thanks to your support, we were able to continue our life-saving work, rescuing and relocating formerly unwanted animals to their forever homes. Your donation ensured that our facility could recover quickly after the storm, allowing us to continue to save hundreds of lives and provide hope for animals in need.”
- Rescued Pets Movement
“In response to the hurricane disaster, the generous donation from the Alonso Foundation allowed us to purchase a much-needed storage container, ensuring we can safely store and distribute newly donated food and essential supplies to support the animals in our care.”
- SoCo Animal Rescue
“Truly, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This is such a big deal for our little rescue. This donation does so much for our little rescue.”
- Destination Rescue
“Thanks to The Alonso Foundation, Muddy Paws Rescue saved over 1,000 dogs in 2024 from partner shelters across the US.”
- Muddy Paws Rescue
“As we are a small understaffed rescue that constantly is trying to save animals, we really do not have time to apply for grants and we totally rely on kind and caring people like you to donate. What does this support mean? It means a lot to us - to be able to pay our vet bill that is tens of thousands every month, pay our boarding, and even more it means to a few more animals that we could save because of your generous donation. Basically you helped us to stay open and save more dogs.”
- Mike’s Chance Rescue
“A very heartfelt THANK YOU for the most generous donation. With this, Rescue Paw will be able to save many more dogs from homelessness and a terrible fate of either living a dangerous life on the streets or winding up in kill shelters. We are grateful for this kindness and generosity to continue to vet, transport and support the many shelters and rescues that we work with. Our adoption events have been highly successful in helping to find these animals loving homes.”
- Rescue Paw Foundation
“The donation from The Alonso Foundation meant the world to me and to Dizzy Dog Animal Rescue. This generous support not only helps us provide essential care for the dogs under our care, it also enables us to help save more dogs from high kill shelters and from the streets. It is truly an honor to have our rescue chosen for this generous gift.”
- Dizzy Dog Animal Rescue
“I just wanted to follow up to say thank you for the grants! We were able to use them to help 8 dogs transport from Texas today and also to sponsor some of their medical care. Thank you for supporting the work we do.”
- Strong Paws Rescue
In addition to Home Runs for Animals, we continued making grants to long term partners working to support veterans, youth and animals.
“Thank you for the continued partnership and support. We are deeply appreciative.”
The mission of the New York Police and Fire Widows’ and Children’s Benefit Fund is to support the families of New York City Police Officers, Firefighters, Port Authority Police, and EMS Personnel who have been killed in the line of duty.
When these brave men and women make the ultimate sacrifice to protect our city, we believe it is our civic duty to support the families these heroes have left behind. Our mission is to reassure these families that we will never forget them or the sacrifice made by their loved ones. We provide financial assistance, host special gatherings, and offer a network of support to approximately 530 families. Our goal is to raise enough funds to assist these families for the rest of their lives. Now it’s our turn to Answer the Call.
K9s for Warriors
“We are deeply grateful for The Alonso Foundation’s continued support this year. Their generosity has enabled us to provide training for future service dog Derby, who made a special appearance at Pete’s Home Run Derby in the Tampa Bay area in early 2024. Derby is making incredible progress in her training and is expected to meet her Veteran by the end of 2024.”
K9s For Warriors’ mission is simple —to end veteran suicide. The program, backed by scientific research, empowers veterans who fought for our freedom to live a life of dignity and independence,” said K9s For Warriors Chief Program Officer Kevin Steele. “Graduates of the program live a life they previously did not think was possible. Many have reunited with their families, returned to school, found renewed enjoyment in life, and significantly reduced their medications. “We are incredibly grateful for the support of Pete and Haley Alonso to further our mission.” “K9s For Warriors has the privilege every day to see the impact a Service Dog has on a veteran. With a battle buddy by their side, the veteran returns to a life of dignity and independence. Pete and Haley’s generosity allows us to continue changing veteran lives.”
We continued our partnership with K9s For Warriors in helping support Darby as she gets ready to meet her veteran in 2024 and change their life.
Pilots ‘N Paws
“The Alonso Foundation’s donation will help us continue to rescue countless animals.”
Pilots N Paws’ site is intended to be a meeting place for volunteers engaged in the valuable services of rescuing, sheltering and adopting animals, and volunteer pilots and plane owners willing to assist with animal transportation. The intent of Pilots N Paws is to provide an environment in which volunteers can come together and arrange or schedule rescue flights, overnight foster care or shelter, and all other related activities.
North Shore Animal League America
“The 2024 donation from the Alonso Foundation will help us continue to fund our rescue work, one of the tentpoles of our no-kill mission. Past donations from the Alonso Foundation have helped cover the costs of interstate humane rescue transports and education initiatives in both Tampa and New York.”
North Shore Animal League America has saved more than 1.2 Million lives. 2024 marks the organization’s 80th Anniversary. The world’s largest no-kill rescue and adoption organization, we understand a rescue is not complete until each animal is placed into a loving home. Our innovative programs provide education to reduce animal cruelty and advance standards in animal welfare. Our staff and volunteers work tirelessly in the pursuit of our vision of a world where all companion animals find permanent homes and end the euthanasia.
Pets for Vets
“The Alonso Foundation supported us in a time of great need and for that we are forever grateful.”
Many brave troops return home with scars – both seen and unseen – that make it difficult to transition back to civilian life. At the same time, millions of wonderful companion animals wait in shelters for a forever home. Pets for Vets is the bridge that brings them together.
When a Veteran is matched with the right pet, both lives change for the better. The Veteran saves the animal and welcomes him/her into a loving home. The pet provides the Veteran with unconditional love and support, easing stress, depression, loneliness and anxiety. Together, they share a Super Bond® that provides them both with a whole new “leash” on life.
Puppies Behind Bars
“Our deepest appreciation to the Alonso family for this generous consideration. We are grateful for the family’s interest in our work and support of our mission.”
Puppies Behind Bars is ultimately about dogs and people. It’s a small organization - the dedicated staff numbers less than fifteen. Year after year, men and women who are incarcerated have been asked to put puppies at the center of their lives and commit to producing the best working dogs in the country. Year after year, dog after dog, they deliver - supporting both the men and women and the dogs.
Tuesday’s Children
“It is because of the Alonso Foundation’s support, Tuesday’s Children can continue to meet its mission, providing healing and resiliency for bereaved Gold Star and 9/11 families.”
Tuesday’s Children meets individuals and families of service members where they are on their grief journey following a loss due to military service, mass violence, or acts of terrorism. Formed in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, our commitment to those affected that day is at the core of who we are and who we serve.
As a result of that day’s events, many were called to military service, and continue still today. Our goal at Tuesday’s Children is to ensure that families of the fallen soldiers due to the events of 9/11, post-9/11 military service, or other acts of mass violence and terrorism always have a comforting place to turn to for support and community.
Work in the Community
Outside of our grant work, The Alonso Foundation was proud to partner with Amazin’ Mets Foundation on a Back to School event bringing school supplies to hundreds of children who otherwise wouldn’t have access.
Looking to
the Future
2024 saw tremendous growth for The Alonso Foundation.
We supported more organizations than ever before and our impact was vast. But our work is not done. There are still animals at kill shelters and on the streets, veterans and their families who need services and youth who need help.
In 2025 we want to be there to support the organizations that need it most, to continue to be a voice for the voiceless and let The Alonso Foundation continue to change the world, one dog or cat at a time.
Our legacy is our work with The Alonso Foundation. We want to leave this world a better place than when we came in. That is our true heart. Thank you to all those who joined and will continue to join us on this lifelong mission.

We couldn’t do it without your help.

Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.”